Cracked Engine Block Signs: Things You Need To Look For

Cracked engine block symptoms are an issue all car owners need to be aware of especially when purchasing a used car. How do you know if your car has this defect?

A crack in the engine block can be difficult to identify at first, as it may not always be visible to the naked eye, but there are certainly several indications that may help you determine whether or not your engine is cracked or damaged and needs repair.

To learn more about cracked engine block symptoms, continue reading this article

What Is An Engine Block?

An engine block is the central component of an internal combustion engine. It houses the cylinders, pistons, and other moving parts that work together to power the vehicle. Due to their constant use and exposure to extreme temperatures, they are susceptible to many types of damage.

Mostly this takes the form of rust from water or coolant entering through a leak in the cylinder head gasket or elsewhere in the cooling system. The accumulation can lead to overheating as well as coolant leakage into the oil which can contaminate it and cause premature wear on bearings and seals.

Why Does An Engine Block Crack?

There are several reasons why an engine block will crack. These includes

Close up photo of engine block.

1.     Overheats and cools rapidly

When the engine overheats, it expands from the heat and contracts when it cools down. If this happens quickly enough, there may not be enough time for the metals to adjust before they contract again and create a small fissure in the metal.

When water is present on the inside of the engine block, as can happen if it has been used during high temperatures or if there is no adequate cooling system installed, then corrosion can also cause cracks. However, with proper care and maintenance that ensures that the engine does not overheat or over-cool too quickly, these issues should be preventable.

2.     Metal fatigue and corrosion

While metal fatigue is not a specific cause of cracking, it can contribute to cracks developing and corroded metal can also lead to leaks, especially in older engines that have been in service for longer periods.

Because every car is different, you cannot always tell how much wear and tear an engine has experienced by just looking at it. You can take your car to your mechanic for regular inspections to ensure your vehicle’s safety and efficiency.

3.     Excess pressure on one side of the cooling system

This contributes to the unequal distribution of stress throughout the engine block which can eventually lead to a crack appearing. Cracks usually appear on the surface of the engine block, so your mechanic should be able to spot them easily.

They may offer you the option of repairing your cracked engine block instead of replacing it, depending on its severity.

4.     The type of coolant being used

When using a non-standard form of coolant, like methanol or ethylene glycol, corrosion can occur more readily and put undue strain on the block. Even traditional coolants can produce corrosive effects when mixed with other substances such as antifreeze, alcohol, or oil.

It is important to only use the recommended mixture ratio for your particular type of engine block to avoid potential damage and costly repairs later on.

5.     Heat cycling

As cars age, their parts often experience more wear and tear due to the passing of time. Over time, the areas around bolts and nuts can get worn out and lose their elasticity, making them more susceptible to heat cycling.

In some cases, a crack can develop because the bolt was not tightened properly, causing a larger area of metal to expand and contract unevenly. By installing new gaskets and removing any old ones, this issue can be resolved.

Signs Of A Cracked Engine Block

The following are some of the most common signs of a cracked engine block:

1.     Coolant leak

Coolant leak from the radiator.

If you are experiencing a leak in your coolant and aren’t sure where it is coming from, then it may be your cracked engine block. However, it could also be another problem. You should still have this looked at by a professional to make sure that there isn’t any other major issue going on in your car’s engine.

This coolant leak will not only cause you problems with your cooling system but it can also cause severe damage to other parts of your engine. You must get this fixed as soon as possible before further damage occurs.

2.     Compression loss

If you notice that your car is starting to run differently and has more of a struggle when it comes to acceleration, then it could be a sign that you have a cracked engine block. The compression loss will happen because the piston rings will not seal properly against the cylinder walls.

As a result, oil is being burned rather than used for lubrication which causes your engine to produce less power and emit higher levels of carbon dioxide emissions.

3.     Excessive use of fuel

Image of a car fuel gauge.

When your engine block is cracked, then it will take up more fuel because it is taking longer for the air/fuel mixture to enter into the cylinders. In addition, the engine will need to work harder so that it doesn’t overheat.

That’s why you’ll find yourself using more gas than usual if your engine block is cracked. The reason for this is that your engine has to work harder to keep up with the demand for proper functioning.

4.     Black smoke

Black smoke could mean one of two things – either your exhaust pipe is clogged or you have a cracked engine block. With a clogged exhaust pipe, the lack of oxygen means that there is too much pressure and it needs to release through something else like the tailpipe.

On the other hand, a cracked engine block means that there is not enough pressure due to an imbalance between the amount of fuel needed and the amount of air.

What Should I Do If I Have a Cracked Engine Block?

If you have a cracked engine block, there are a few things that you should do to avoid having to replace your vehicle. These include:

1.     Make sure that your air filter is clean and replace it if necessary

If you continue to drive with a dirty air filter, the motor will be sucking in dirt and debris which can cause increased wear on other parts of the engine as well as carbon buildup on the piston rings and valves.

Carbon buildup can decrease performance and affect the lifespan of your engine. Replacing the air filter may seem like an easy fix, but this is not the case. A dirty air filter causes more strain on your engine so replacing it when needed becomes imperative.

2.     Check your coolant levels and refill them when necessary

Checking your coolant levels and refilling them when necessary is another good way to keep your engine running at peak performance. Running low on coolant can lead to overheating, and excessive heat can severely damage an engine. Make sure that you’re checking your coolant levels every month or two depending on how often you use your car.

3.     Replace your oil regularly

Oil does a lot for your engine, from lubricating moving parts to removing contaminants from inside the combustion chamber. It’s important to change your oil every 5-7 thousand miles (8-12 thousand kilometers) or 6 months.

The exact interval will depend on the type of oil and climate conditions where you live. Changing your oil too soon can result in premature wear while waiting too long could put undue stress on your engine. Consult your owner’s manual for exact instructions.


If you notice any of these cracked engine block symptoms, it’s important to take your car to a mechanic right away. Cracks in your engine block can cause a variety of problems, from decreased performance to complete engine failure.

In most cases, a cracked engine block will need to be replaced. However, if the crack is small and does not cause any problems, you may be able to have it repaired.

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About Brock Rangel

Hi, I am Brock, and I am the lead editor/photographer for TheCarColony. I have been a mechanic for over 14 years now, and I am here to spread my car knowledge across the web!

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