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Brock Rangel

General Auto
Tuning & Performance
Brake Mechanic


  • Prolific automotive writer with a key focus on general auto, tuning & performance, and brake mechanics.
  • Graduate from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College.
  • Articles and writings prominently featured on TheCarColony.


Brock Rangel dives deep into the world of automobiles, marrying technical knowledge with an intrinsic love for storytelling. For Brock, every car has a story — from its historic creation and challenges faced by its designers to its profound cultural impact.His writing process is meticulous. It begins with exhaustive research on the design, history, and technical specifications of cars, both classic and contemporary. Behind the wheel experiences then form the crux of his narratives, enabling readers to vicariously experience the thrill of every drive.But it's not just about horsepower and chassis. Brock believes cars are symbols of human passion, culture, and ingenuity. They embody progress and personal expression. It's this philosophy that shapes his writings, making them more than just reviews; they become journeys through time, technology, and human aspiration.Outside of his professional life, Brock is a passionate collector of miniature car models, a restorer of vintage cars, an avid attendee of global car shows and races, a skilled photographer, and an enthusiastic traveler.


Brock proudly holds a degree from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Though rooted in his formal education, his expansive knowledge about automobiles goes far beyond, encompassing hands-on experiences, personal endeavors, and a relentless pursuit of staying updated in an ever-evolving industry.

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