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Mason Garrett

Lead Mechanic
General Auto Mechanic
Front-End Mechanic
Collision Repair Technician

Mason Garrett - Lead Mechanic at TheCarColony


  • General Auto Mechanic, Front-End Mechanic & Collision Repair Technician with over 25 years of hands-on experience.
  • Graduate from the prestigious Northwestern Technological Institute.
  • Principal reviewer and contributor for TheCarColony, focusing on demystifying complex car concepts and sharing genuine insights from personal experiences.


With a quarter-century in the garage, Mason Garrett offers readers an unmatched perspective on cars. Every article he writes is grounded in hands-on experiences, ensuring authenticity and deep-rooted expertise. Mason's approach to writing is characterized by a unique balance of tradition and innovation, always aiming to simplify intricate mechanical concepts for enthusiasts and novices alike.His philosophy places craftsmanship at the forefront, valuing the artistry behind every vehicle, while simultaneously embracing the rapid innovations in the automotive world. When he's not penning articles or working on cars, Mason's passion for automobiles extends to vintage car restoration, road tripping across scenic American byways, and actively participating in local automotive clubs. Away from the roar of engines, he cherishes the quiet melodies of his expansive vinyl record collection.


Mason completed his formal education at the Northwestern Technological Institute, setting the foundation for a successful 25-year-long journey as a mechanic.

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