Clockspring Repair: Cost To Replace Clock Spring Explained

A clock spring, also known as a spiral cable, is a vital component of your car’s steering wheel, helping to maintain an electrical connection to airbags, horn, and other vehicle devices even when the steering wheel is turned.

However, like all components, it can experience wear and tear over time, potentially jeopardizing the safety and functionality of your vehicle. The cost to replace a bad clock spring varies, but understanding its symptoms can be key to prevent larger, more costly problems.

Now, let’s delve into seven key symptoms that may indicate your clock spring is in need of replacement.


Symptoms of a Bad Clock Spring

1.     Airbag Warning Light

When the clock spring is failing, the airbag warning light on your dashboard may be illuminated. This happens because the clock spring is responsible for maintaining the electrical circuit to the airbag. If this circuit is disrupted, the system detects a fault, triggering the warning light.

2.     Horn Problems

If you notice that your horn isn’t working or is behaving erratically, this could indicate a faulty clock spring. As the clock spring helps maintain an electrical connection to the horn, a fault or damage can disrupt this connection, leading to horn malfunctions.

Driving wheeel with horn sign.

3.     Cruise Control Issues

When the cruise control of your vehicle stops functioning correctly or altogether, it might be due to a bad clock spring. The clock spring provides the electrical connection to the cruise control system, and any disruption can affect its operation.

4.     Steering Wheel Tilt Malfunctions

If the tilt function of your steering wheel stops working or becomes limited, it could be due to a damaged clock spring. The clock spring is designed to cope with the motion of the steering wheel, and if it’s damaged, it might impede this motion.

5.     Intermittent Electrical Issues

If you notice your vehicle’s electrical devices, like radio controls on the steering wheel, functioning intermittently, this can be a symptom of a bad clock spring. The clock spring maintains an electrical connection to these devices, and a fault can cause inconsistent operation.

6.     Audible Noise

A bad clock spring can sometimes produce a clicking or grinding noise when the steering wheel is turned. This is because the clock spring can become frayed or damaged, creating an audible noise during steering wheel rotation.

7.     Steering Wheel Controls Not Working

Control on the car steering wheel.

If your steering wheel controls for your car’s entertainment system, hands-free calling or other features stop working, it could be due to a faulty clock spring. As it maintains the electrical connection to these devices, any disruption can lead to these controls malfunctioning.

Function of a Clock Spring

The clock spring is a crucial component within the steering system of a vehicle. Essentially, it’s a special rotary electrical connector which allows the steering wheel to turn while maintaining a constant electrical connection to devices like the airbag, horn, and other vehicle controls located within the steering wheel.

It got its name due to its spring-like, spiral structure that resembles a clock’s mainspring. As the steering wheel turns, the clock spring winds and unwinds while keeping the electrical circuits intact.

Clock Spring Location

The clock spring is located between the steering wheel and the steering column of your vehicle. More precisely, it’s typically found underneath the steering wheel, within the column. It’s designed to stay connected with the car’s electrical systems as the steering wheel turns, which is why it’s positioned in this specific location.

You can’t see the clock spring without dismantling the steering wheel, as it’s usually concealed within the steering column assembly.

Can You Re-use a Clock Spring?

In general, it’s not recommended to reuse a clock spring. This is due to its delicate nature and the high importance of its functions. A reused clock spring may have unseen damage or wear that can lead to a failure in critical safety systems, such as the airbag.

Therefore, if a clock spring has been removed, or if it’s suspected to be faulty, it’s typically best to replace it with a new one.

Clock Spring Replacement Cost

The cost of replacing a clock spring can vary widely depending on the make and model of your vehicle, as well as labor costs in your area. On average, you might expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a professional replacement, including both parts and labor.

However, higher-end vehicles may have more expensive parts, and thus a replacement could potentially cost more. Keep in mind that this is a complex job that involves dismantling the steering wheel, so it’s generally not recommended as a DIY project unless you have specific expertise.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when dealing with vehicle repairs.

How To Fix A Clock Spring

1.     Disconnect the Battery

Disconnecting the battery is the first step to ensure safety during the repair. Locate the negative terminal of your vehicle’s battery (usually black and marked with a minus sign). Using a wrench, loosen the nut on the terminal and slide off the cable. Wait for about 10 minutes to ensure any residual electricity in the system has dissipated.

2.     Remove the Airbag

The airbag is typically located at the center of the steering wheel. It’s typically held in place by two bolts or screws at the rear of the steering wheel. You’ll need to turn the steering wheel to access these screws. Remove them carefully and then pull out the airbag module gently. Be sure to store the airbag with the bag facing up to avoid any potential issues if it accidentally deploys.

3.     Remove the Steering Wheel

After removing the airbag, you’ll see a large nut that secures the steering wheel to the column. Remove this nut with a socket wrench. After that, use a steering wheel puller, which can be rented from most auto parts stores, to remove the steering wheel. Make sure you remember the original position of the steering wheel, as it will need to go back in the same position.

4.     Remove the Clock Spring

Once the steering wheel has been removed, you will have clear access to the clock spring. It is usually held in place with clips or screws. Gently remove these, taking care not to damage any of the connectors. Disconnect any wiring harnesses attached to the clock spring.

5.     Inspect the New Clock Spring

Before you install the new clock spring, make sure it is the correct part by comparing it with the old one. Most new clock springs come in the neutral position, usually indicated by an alignment mark. Do not rotate the clock spring from this position before installing.

6.     Install the New Clock Spring

Connect the necessary wiring to the new clock spring, then secure it in its designated location, using the clips or screws you removed earlier. Ensure it is seated correctly and is properly aligned.

7.     Reinstall the Steering Wheel

Reinstall the steering wheel by aligning it to its original position, then carefully place it on the steering column. Tighten the center nut, but be careful not to over-tighten as this could damage the steering wheel or column.

8.     Reinstall the Airbag

Once the steering wheel is securely in place, reconnect the airbag. Make sure to connect any necessary wiring for the airbag to function correctly, then align it with the mounting holes and secure with the original bolts or screws.

Again, it’s important to note that this process should only be undertaken by someone who is confident in their mechanical abilities. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to seek professional help due to the potentially dangerous nature of working with components like the airbag system.

Can You Drive With a Broken Clock Spring?

Technically, you can still drive your vehicle with a broken clock spring. However, it’s strongly advised against doing so. A broken clock spring may disable critical safety features like the airbag and impair other functions like the horn or steering wheel controls.

This can make your vehicle unsafe to drive. It’s recommended to get a faulty clock spring replaced as soon as possible to maintain the full safety functionality of your vehicle.

Can a Clock Spring Be Repaired?

Generally, a clock spring cannot be repaired. The internal structure of a clock spring is both delicate and complex, which makes it virtually impossible to repair once it’s damaged. In most cases, a faulty clock spring will need to be replaced with a new one to restore its function.

How do I Reset My Clock Spring?

Clock springs typically do not need to be reset, as they’re designed to self-adjust to the neutral position. If you’re installing a new clock spring, it should come pre-set to the neutral position. If for some reason you believe your clock spring needs to be reset, it’s best to consult a professional, as improper handling can damage the clock spring and potentially render it unusable.

How Do You Test a Clock Spring?

To test a clock spring, you can use a multimeter, which is a device that measures electrical voltage, current, and resistance. Disconnect the clock spring from the vehicle’s electrical system and use the multimeter to test for continuity in the various circuits that run through the clock spring. If the multimeter shows no continuity, it means the circuit is broken and the clock spring needs to be replaced.

Closeup of hands checking board with multimeter.

How Long Does It Take to Replace a Clock Spring?

The process of replacing a clock spring can vary depending on the vehicle model and the experience of the person doing the job. Typically, it could take between 1 to 3 hours for a professional mechanic to complete the job. This includes time to dismantle the steering wheel, replace the clock spring, and reassemble everything.

Can I Drive With a Bad Clock Spring?

Driving with a bad clock spring is not recommended. A faulty clock spring can lead to a number of issues, such as a non-functional horn, disabled steering wheel controls, and most critically, a disabled airbag.

While your vehicle may still be driveable, these issues compromise safety, especially the potential for the airbag to not deploy in the event of a crash. It’s always recommended to repair such faults as soon as possible.

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What Are Some Potential Dangers Of A Faulty Clock Spring?

A faulty clock spring can lead to a range of issues with your vehicle. The most concerning is the potential for your airbag to not deploy in the event of a collision, which could result in severe injuries.

Additionally, your horn and steering wheel controls could become inoperative, making it harder to control your vehicle and communicate with other drivers on the road.

How Can I Tell If My Clock Spring Needs Replacing?

There are several symptoms to look out for, including an illuminated airbag warning light, issues with the horn or steering wheel controls, problems with cruise control, noises when turning the steering wheel, or intermittent electrical issues. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s recommended to have your vehicle inspected by a professional mechanic.

Why Can’t A Clock Spring Be Repaired?

The clock spring is a complex and delicate piece of equipment, and damage to it is often not repairable. It’s made up of a coil of flat wire that can become frayed or broken, and this is typically not something that can be fixed. Instead, the entire clock spring assembly needs to be replaced.

Why Do I Need To Disconnect The Battery Before Replacing The Clock Spring?

Disconnecting the battery ensures that the vehicle’s electrical systems are not live while you’re working on them. This is especially important when working with the clock spring, as it’s directly connected to the airbag system. Accidental deployment of the airbag could result in serious injuries.

Is Replacing A Clock Spring A DIY Job?

While it’s technically possible for someone with mechanical experience to replace a clock spring, it’s generally recommended to have this job done by a professional. The clock spring is connected to the airbag system, which can be dangerous if mishandled. Additionally, improper installation could result in further issues down the line.

What Should I Do If My Airbag Light Is On?

If your airbag light is on, this could indicate a fault with the clock spring, among other issues. It’s recommended to have your vehicle inspected by a professional as soon as possible. The airbag is a crucial safety feature and it’s important to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

Can Any Mechanic Replace A Clock Spring Or Does It Require A Specialist?

Steering wheel repair.

Replacing a clock spring doesn’t necessarily require a specialist, but it does need a competent mechanic who is familiar with working on steering columns and airbag systems. Given the potential risks of working with airbag systems, it’s best to entrust this work to a professional who knows how to handle them safely.

Can Driving Conditions Or Habits Affect The Lifespan Of A Clock Spring?

Generally, the lifespan of a clock spring isn’t significantly affected by driving conditions or habits. Instead, it’s more dependent on the age of the vehicle and usage of the steering wheel. Over time and with regular turning of the steering wheel, the clock spring can wear out.

Does A Clock Spring Replacement Require Any Special Tools?

Besides standard mechanic tools, a steering wheel puller may be necessary for a clock spring replacement. This tool is designed to safely remove the steering wheel without damaging it or the steering column.

Can A Faulty Clock Spring Drain My Car Battery?

Typically, a faulty clock spring won’t drain your car battery. However, it might trigger warning lights on your dashboard, such as the airbag warning light, due to the disrupted electrical connection.

Is There Any Maintenance Needed For A Clock Spring?

Clock springs are generally maintenance-free. They’re designed to last for the life of the vehicle and are typically only replaced if they fail or if the steering wheel assembly is being serviced for another reason.


In conclusion, the clock spring plays an integral role in the functioning and safety of your vehicle. Although it might seem like an insignificant component, a malfunctioning clock spring can disable crucial features, including the airbag.

Understanding its function, symptoms of a failing clock spring, and replacement procedures are crucial to maintaining your vehicle’s safety. If you suspect your clock spring might be faulty, it’s best to consult a professional for a thorough inspection and necessary replacement.

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About Brock Rangel

Hi, I am Brock, and I am the lead editor/photographer for TheCarColony. I have been a mechanic for over 14 years now, and I am here to spread my car knowledge across the web!